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Drieluik Mondiaal Burgerschap 2018 and City Links and Global Goals 2030

13/11/2018 at Tilburg, Zoetermeer, Maastricht, Helmond, Delft, Gennep by LBSNN


Drieluik Mondiaal Burgerschap is organised by LBSNN in different primary schools (8-12 years old groups) and involves the visit of a Nicaraguan wall painter with whom students will jointly create a wall painting on the Sustainable Development Goals. The Vice-Mayor of each city will attend the official presentation of the final artworks. International solidarity will also be discussed during role-playing games at the “Mobile Studio” representing local life in Nicaragua. Finally, schools will receive the visit of a storyteller, Mr. Gerard Sonnemans, and will debate on concepts such as solidarity, exchange or global citizenship. The local city councils will participate in the different activities by explaining the city’s links with other cities in Nicaragua.

Contact point

Ronald van der Hijden,

Co-organisers / Partners

City councils and public schools of Tilburg, Zoetermeer, Maastricht, Helmond, Gennep and Delft